About me
Curriculum viteae
Mgr. art. et Mgr. art Denisa Olexa Bogdalíková
birth: 24.4.1977 in Malacky
degree: Mgr. art., Mgr. art.

“In dialogue among sculpture, painting, photography, and text, Denisa Olexa Bogdalíková focuses on the portrayal of motives linked with spiritual and materialistic existence of human being. With energetic colorfulness and without realistic descriptiveness, she displays an unstoppable motion of possibilities, resignations, desires, memories, fears, and will. She creates a symbolic space full of pulsating life and condenses our experience into nude figures. The author outlines a cycle of emotions, feelings, and passions in human wetland, where our personal and common story taken place simultaneously. She materializes tensions between our potential and reality in place of constant contact between the physical and immaterial world, in which we are constantly creating non-existing boundaries.” The exhibition curator Veronika Markovičová
- 1991-1995 High school of utility art, Bratislava
- 1997- 2003 University of fine arts, Bratislava Master´s degree Department: statue, object, installation, prof. Jozef Jankovič
- 1999-2000 Academy of fine arts, Prague, professional experience: statues and medals prof. Jan Hendrych
- 2001-2003 Film and television faculty, Academy of musical arts in Bratislava Bachelor´s degree. Department: direction of documentary film, Mgr. art. Ivo Brachtl
- 2003 University of fine arts, Bratislava, got degree Mgr. art. Free art- statue
- 2003 University of fine arts, Bratislava, finished pedagogical minimum
- 2003- 2006 University of fine arts, Bratislava, finished internal doctoral studies, prof. Jozef Jankovič
- 2006 Film and television faculty, Academy of musical arts in Bratislava Achieved degree Mgr. art. direction of documentary film with state examination
- 2003 – 2006 Film and television faculty, Academy of musical arts in Bratislava Master´s
- degree. Department: direction of documentary film, prof. Dušan Hanák
Individual exhibition
- 2018 Brussels, Permanent Representation of the SR, Anima: terra Incognita et sancta(soul: land unknown and sacred)
- 2018 Malacky, Gallery MCK, Year after
- 2017 Bratislava, Umelka gallery SVU, Descendit at infernos
- 2015 Hodonín, Gallery of Fine Arts in Hodonín, ARS 51
- 2015 Malacky, Gallery MCK, Himajlon – country of artist
- 2012 Malacky, in situ Castle park, Himajlon
- 2011 Senica, Záhorská Gallery, Mithote. The voice of thousands of votes
- 2010 Malacky, Gallery MCK, Mithote 2010
- 2004 Bratislava, Gallery 35mm, Civilization?
- 2003 Bratislava, Open gallery, In time …
- 1998 Piestany, Art Gallery, Worlds II.
- 1997 Bratislava, Club Crater, Worlds
- 1994 Malacky, ZCK Malacky, First
Author’s interactive actions – action paintings
- 2017 Bratislava, Art gallery SVU, Descendit at infernos – 2x for elementary school, for public
- 2015 Bratislava, Slovak Art Union, “World Art Day 2015”
- 2013 Austria, Stadttheater Bruck ad Leitha, “Project Klang & Farbe”
- 2012 Rohožník, UV festival, Mithote project
- 2011 Bratislava, UV festival Dunaj, Mithote project
- 2010 cycle: Rohožník, Malacky, Gajary, Veselí n.Moravou, Mikulčice, Jaslovské Bohunice Project Mithote 2010
- 2009 Malé Leváre, Summerbeach Rudava Festival, Ponsion Sea
- 2008 Malé Leváre, Summerbeach Rudava Festival, Action
- 1999 Dolný Kubín, Orava Gallery, Opening Spectives, Performans of Transformation
Collective exhibitions
- 2015 Skalica, Zahorske Museum, VI. Meeting of artists Záhorie
- 2014/2015 Trenčín, Gallery of Miloš Bazovský, Trenčín 2014, Selection from current Slovak Chamber Sculpture
- 2014/2015 Senica, Záhorská Gallery of Ján Mudroch, VI. Meeting of artists Záhorie, exhibition on the 30th anniversary of the Záhorie Gallery of Ján Mudroch in Senica
- 2014 Svätý Jur, Art and Wine Festival
- 2013 Mistelbach, Austria, Kunst schaffende im Land 2013
- 2013 Bzenec castle, Czech Republic, Bzenecky Visual Autumn 2013
- 2012 Brěclav, Czech Republic, SUGAR LIVES WITH ART, community multimedia project
- 2010 Bratislava, Statue and Object XV.
- 2009 Senica, Záhorská gallery, V. Meeting of artists Záhorie, 25th anniversary of it´s formation
- 2006/2007 Ostrava, Chagal Gallery, Exhibition of PhD Students, Department of Sculpture, Object, Installation
- 2006 Bratislava, Koncepti, Exhibition of Chamber Sculpture
- 2004 Dunajská Streda, VŠMU and Academy exhibition
- 2004/2005 Senica, Záhorská Gallery, IV. Meetings of artists from Záhorie
- 2003 Senica, Záhorská Gallery, Pomoravie
- 2001 Martin, Turčianska Gallery, Statue in the garden
- 2001 Malacky, centre of culture Záhorská, Between Border and Dyke I.
- 2001 Žilina, Považská Gallery, Survey from survey – Expressions
- 2001 Senica, Záhorská gallery of Ján Mudroch, Between Border and Dyke I.
- 2001 River Morava, Between Border and Dyke I.
- 1999 Gajary, Exhibition
- 1996 Malacky, centre of culture Záhorská, exhibition of artists from Záhorie
Symposiums and workshops
- 2006 Multimedia Symposium, Between Border and Dyke IV., Bratislava
- 2005 Multimedia Symposium, Between Border and Dyke III., Bratislava
- 2004 Sculpture workshop, Beladice
- 2004 International Sculpture Symposium, Between Border and Dyke II., Hodokvas
- 2001 International Symposium of Sculpture, Between Border and Dyke I., Gajary
- 2000 workshop Sculpture and Architecture, Beladice
- 1999 Soft Sculpture Symposium, Beladice
Educational projects
- 2015 Gajary, Holiday Academy in Gajary
- 2014 Gajary, Holiday Academy in Gajary
- 2013 Malacky, Creative Studio MCK
- 2013 Gajary, Holiday Academy in Gajary
- 2013 Gajary, 14 stops of Cyril and Method
- 2012 Malacky, MCK Malacky Creative Workshops
- 2012 Gajary, Holiday Academy in Gajary